With so many fitness options to choose from, I understand the need to find what works best for you. That’s why I’ve created intuitive take-and-go programs you can download and do on your own. Choose from a variety of 8-12 week programs that fit your comfort level, equipment access, and personal preferences. All progress is tracked through the app. My goal is to make it possible for you to reach your goals. So I aim to make everything as convenient and intuitive as possible.
Click below to read our guide to selecting a workout plan:

Novice 1.0 | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Start Strong is designed specifically for women who are new to strength training or returning after a break. This program offers a safe, structured way to learn how to lift, with step-by-step guidance and audio cues provided through an easy-to-use app. You’ll know exactly what to do and how to perform each exercise with proper form. You can complete the program in the comfort of your own home with minimal equipment: a Swiss ball, a selection of dumbbells, and both short and long resistance bands.
Start Strong

Intermediate 1.0 | Home & Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Intermediate and advanced gym-based programs designed to build not only max strength through heavy low rep loads but to also build max power. We do this though loading the bone via strength training and providing a compressive force through jumping. This four days a week program requires knowledge using a barbell and lifting with heavier loads.
Agility Happens
Advanced 1.0 | Gym | 12 Weeks

Travel Happens | All Levels | 17 Workouts
HITT & SIT | All Levels | 16 Workouts
Available Plans
Flexible plans allow you to pick a workout to do that is not part of a workout plan. You can use flex plans to add additional workouts to your calendar or use them when you are travelling or do not have access to a fully equipped gym.
Flex Plans

All Levels 1.0 | Home or Gym | 8 Weeks
Available Plans
The plans in mobility happens help build a foundation for long-term fitness. For anyone aiming to be fit and healthy, the key is building a strong foundation. Plans in this collection focus on mobility, range of motion (ROM), and flexibility to reduce injury risk and prepare the body for advanced workouts.
Mobility Happens

All Levels 1.0 | Home or Gym | 8 Weeks
Available Plans
Shoulders happen is a highly requested 8 week program designed to not only define your shoulders but to also work on building strength in the weaker shoulder stabilizers such as the rotator cuff rhomboids ,and middle and lower trapezius muscles to prevent the upper traps from overworking and developing too much. This is a great add-on program to compliment whatever hailey happens program you are running.
Shoulders Happen

Beginner 1.0 | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Intermediate 1.0 | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Advanced 1.0 | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Beginner 2.0 | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Advanced 2.0 | Home+ or Gym | 12 Weeks
Express 1.0 Intermediate/Advanced | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Specifically designed for females 35+, this intelligent program written with Dr. Stacy Sims, will set you up to be strong and independent for decades to come. This collection tackles everything the peri and postmenopausal female is needing, including max strength blocks fused with hypertrophy blocks for those that want to maintain and gain max strength and power along with building muscle. We have included HIIT and SIT workouts weekly alongside mobility and core work to keep our hearts healthy, our bodies mobile, and our core strong.
Power Happens

Beginner | Home | 12 Weeks
Intermediate 1.0 | Home or Gym | Weeks 1-12
Intermediate 2.0 | Gym | Weeks 13-24
Advanced 1.0 | Gym | Weeks 1-12
Advanced 2.0 | Gym | Weeks 13-24
Advanced 3.0 | Gym | Weeks 25-36
Advanced 4.0 | Gym | Weeks 37-48
Available Plans
This collection of workouts includes beginner, intermediate, and advanced plans. The beginner plan was designed to be done at home and focuses on the essential techniques of strength training. The intermediate plan, which offers both at-home and gym options, gives those with moderate lifting experience a chance to develop their techniques further with a focus on building muscle and max strength. Experienced lifters will benefit from the advanced programs which offer more challenging overload techniques for those comfortable with barbell and machines in a gym setting.
Strong Happens

Advanced 1.0 | Gym | Weeks 1-12
Advanced 2.0 | Gym | Weeks 13-24
Advanced 3.0 | Gym | Weeks 25-36
Advanced 4.0 | Gym | Weeks 37-48
Available Plans
The Physique Happens collection includes gym-based programs appropriate for the advanced client who is comfortable with a barbell and looking for a program which uses a variety of challenging overload techniques to build max strength while also emphasizing muscle growth. While this collection has a "physique focus" with an emphasis on glutes, abs, calves, and shoulders, it is still an intelligently planned full body program. New programming and overload methods are introduced every four weeks. It is recommended to start with Physique Happens 1.0 and progress in order as each plan features techniques designed for advancement to the next plan. If you have at least 12-18 months of gym experience, this program is appropriate for you!
Physique Happens

All Levels | Home or Gym | 8 Weeks
Int/Advanced | Home+ or Gym | 8 Weeks
Available Plans
Foundation Happens was designed to build a solid foundation by increasing work capacity, balancing muscle symmetry and plugging energy links so you can decrease the risk of injury and perform better and safer in the gym over a training year. It should be prioritized at some point during a training year for everyone (beginner to the advanced female lifter). This program can be done at the gym or at home. Alternate exercises are provided for gym equipment when needed.
Foundation Happens

Beginner 1.0 | Gym | 12 Weeks
Beginner 2.0 | Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Learn to Lift is designed for women looking to take their strength training to the next level. This plan consists of three training sessions per week and offers detailed video guidance needed to properly perform popular lifting movements using equipment found inside most gyms. If you’re looking to transition your workouts into a lifting gym, this is the perfect plan to ensure you do it properly, safely, and effectively.
Learn to Lift

Beginner | Gym | 12 Weeks
Intermediate | Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
The Glutes Happen collection is a fantastic gym-based program appropriate for the beginner or intermediate lifter. While the emphasis is on building the glutes, it is still a great full-body strength program. If you have at least six months of lifting experience, the beginner or intermediate plans will be appropriate for you.
Glutes Happen

All Levels | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Abs Happen is designed to strengthen your entire core including, not just the abdominal muscles, but also the back and glutes to encompass a strong trunk. This program offers three days/week with a bonus day that focuses on the back and glutes. Each workout is around 10-15 minutes and can easily be done alone as well as before or after a strength or cardio workout!
Abs Happen

Intermediate | Home | 12 Weeks
Intermediate | Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
The Results Happen collection was designed with bang-for-you-buck movements that can be completed within a 30-minute window. With at-home and gym-based plans, this collection gives you the freedom to get in, get out, and get the results you want.
Results Happen

All Levels | Home or Gym | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
Performance Happens was built for endurance athletes such as runners, cyclists, hikers, and triathletes who have a strong desire to remain injury free and increase performance by adding strength training to their routine. This 12 week program offers two strength days with an optional bonus day that includes core work as well as upper body for those performing triathlons or simply wanting to keep some additional upper body into their routine. Finally this program includes a fourth day for mobility that you can pepper into any of the other days as needed. The program has new workouts every three weeks to keep you progressing and to keep your mind fresh.
Performance Happens

Beginner | Home | 12 Weeks
Intermediate | Home | 12 Weeks
Available Plans
The Suspension Happens collection is perfect for those craving challenging workouts in the comforts of their own home. Designed to be done with TRX (or other suspension training system), you will gain overall strength, stamina, and balance with these 45-60 minute sessions.